Sun Conscious“ We are all persuns ”

Sun Conscious

Sun Conscious is a non-profit foundation registered in Amsterdam, 
the Netherlands, in 2000.

Sun Conscious came into being through the solar vision of Surya Green 
and five Dutch readers of her first book's Dutch edition, Als de Zon spreekt.

The foundation’s general purpose is to help people become Sun Conscious persons, 
aware of our Sun’s multi-dimensional solar energies -- physical and subtle/spiritual.

Sun Conscious works toward the Global Age of the Sun. 

The Global Age of the Sun is an envisioned era in which humanity’s world-wide use of physical solar energy -- in the form of light, heat, wind, and wave -- will be complemented by the use of Sun's subtle/spiritual energies. Sun-consciousness would be commonplace. The Global Age of the Sun may also called be termed the Age of the Sun, Solar Age, Golden Age, Age of Truth, Solar Civilization, and on.

What does it mean to be Sun Conscious?

  • The ancient Code of Hammurabi pillar, from c. 1754 BCE, Babylon, depicts at its top King Hammurabi worshipping the Sun God who, he said, inspired him to write down these laws of conduct. (Louvre, Paris)

    The ancient Code of Hammurabi pillar, from c. 1754 BCE, Babylon, depicts at its top King Hammurabi worshipping the Sun God who, he said, inspired him to write down these laws of conduct. (Louvre, Paris)

  • In ancient Egypt, the Sun was worshiped as the Creator of the universe. (British Museum, London)

    In ancient Egypt, the Sun was worshiped as the Creator of the universe. (British Museum, London)

  • After Pharaoh Akhenaten ascended the throne of Egypt in 1352 BCE, he introduced monotheism centered around Aten, the god of the solar disc.

    After Pharaoh Akhenaten ascended the throne of Egypt in 1352 BCE, he introduced monotheism centered around Aten, the god of the solar disc.

  • Carved jade pendant showing the face of the Sun God, K’inich Ajaw, 475-500 CE, Honduras, Copan. (U of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia)

    Carved jade pendant showing the face of the Sun God, K’inich Ajaw, 475-500 CE, Honduras, Copan. (U of Pennsylvania Museum, Philadelphia)

  • Popular representation in India of Surya the Sun God in his celestial chariot drawn by seven horses.

    Popular representation in India of Surya the Sun God in his celestial chariot drawn by seven horses.

  • Sun Temple of Konarka, 13th century CE, Orissa, India, designed as Sun God Surya’s celestial chariot.

    Sun Temple of Konarka, 13th century CE, Orissa, India, designed as Sun God Surya’s celestial chariot.

  • Sun God Surya, represented in his aspect as Mitra (“the friendly one”), at the Sun Temple of Konarka, India.

    Sun God Surya, represented in his aspect as Mitra (“the friendly one”), at the Sun Temple of Konarka, India.

  • Pilgrims at the 2004 Chandrabhaga Festival, held at the seashore of Konarka, India, taking holy bath and saluting Sun God Surya at sunrise.

    Pilgrims at the 2004 Chandrabhaga Festival, held at the seashore of Konarka, India, taking holy bath and saluting Sun God Surya at sunrise.

  • Sun Buddha, Myanmar.

    Sun Buddha, Myanmar.

In this solar system, our Sun is the most perfect reflection in physical form of the Ultimate Source.

Human beings have given this Universal Source many names. By whatever name we call the Source – including God, Divine, God the Father, Divine Mother, YHVH, Allah, Spiritual Sun – each one of us is a reflection thereof, just as is our ever-shining, all-giving Sun.

To be Sun Conscious is to be aware, first of all, of our Sun’s great physical powers. Sun’s light and heat, wind and wave, make possible all life on Earth.

To be Sun Conscious is also to be aware that our physical Sun has the physical power to transform our world community into a green and clean global society. Harnessing our own human power, we can replace polluting and exhaustible fossil fuel energy, as well as potentially dangerous nuclear energy, with clean, safe, and endless solar energy. More people and nations are increasingly “going solar.”

To be Sun Conscious further integrates a third awareness: our physical Sun has an energy, a power – and, yes, a consciousness – of subtle form we can term “spiritual.” Sun Conscious proposes that Sun’s subtle energy inspires, uplifts, and enlightens human consciousness and human behavior. 

Sun Conscious further suggests that the growing appreciation of Sun’s physical powers to fuel Earth society will eventually lead to perception of Sun's subtle energy. It is the Sun Conscious vision that, in time, more people will recognize and consciously benefit from Sun’s subtle energy.

Thousands of years ago, most human beings respected, praised, and even  worshipped our Sun. Numerous cultures perceived our Sun as a god or goddess. Our Sun was considered to have superhuman powers. The mythologies, as well as the factual histories, of a number of ancient civilizations contain references to our Sun as a conscious entity. We have only to think of the Incas, the Aztecs, the Egyptians, the Persians, the Indians, the Japanese, the Greeks, the Romans. Historical records left by some former peoples attest to a Conscious Sun directly influencing human beings.

It is envisioned that the global community will ultimately bring into being the Global Age of the Sun in which the widespread, direct use of physical solar energy will be complemented by personal attunement to Sun’s subtle energy.

Sun Conscious logo

The Sun Conscious logo appeared to Surya Green in a vision.
The Dutch graphic artist Cor Rappange brought it onto paper.

The Sun Conscious logo consists of four main elements:
an open eye in a green Sun surrounded by twelve rays and a yellow aura.

1. The Sun Conscious Sun is colored green
The color green represents fertility, growth, youth, energy, hope, and life itself.
Green is the chief color of the plant world and of nature’s annual rebirth in spring.
Green is the color of renewal, of the re-greening of this planet, our Mother Earth.

Among its various qualities, the color green has a healing effect.
Green cools, soothes, and calms, on both physical and mental levels.
Green is also a color of spiritual well-being and wisdom.

The color green has meaningful associations connected with higher spiritual attainment.
According to some esoteric schools of thought, our solar system is presently functioning on the “Green Ray of Evolution.”

On the social-cultural level, it is surely no “coincidence” that many present-day organizations of positive future vision 
include the word “green” in their name.
Just think of: Greenpeace, Green Cross International, Green Party.

2. The Eye Inside the Sun Conscious Sun
The open human eye represents the consciousness of our Sun.

3. Twelve Rays
Twelve is the sacred number of our Sun.

4. Yellow Aura

The yellow aura around our Sun symbolizes Sun’s physical and subtle energy.

Sun Conscious logo

Website ©Sun Conscious 2024 and on
Texts ©Surya Green 2024
except where otherwise indicated.
All photographs and illustrations are protected
under copyrights by their lawful owners.
Chamber of Commerce reg. nr. 34128447.
Portrait Surya Green on HP ©Kitty de Boer.

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WEBDESIGN BY: M-PRODUCTIES | Surya Green Portrait HP: Kitty Wa Bwanda-de Boer